Condensation and
Mould Growth Management
Mould growth is often present due to condensation although other issues such as leaks, flooding etc. can also be the cause. Condensation occurs as a result of an imbalance between heating, ventilation and moisture generation.
Before commissioning one of these surveys, it is worth carefully considering not only what you want to achieve and the immediate problems to be solved. Also you should consider whether or not the property is to be let out, if the occupancy is sporadic (holiday home/AirBNB etc.) or (for example) if the property is to be in long term owner occupation. This information will be required before any inspection, visit or remote consultancy is to begin so that we can provide you with an accurate and fair price for the service that you actually require.
If you have concerns about mould and dampness we would advise you to consider one of our "Level 1 Damp and mould inspections". If you are a housing provider, this will also help ensure that you are fulfilling your obligations with regard to ventilation and associated legislation such as the Homes Fit for Human Habitation Act 2018. These ventilation assessments involve accurately measuring the performance of mechanical extraction devices at the property, measurement of temperature and relative humidity internally and externally for comparison (using calibrated test equipment) together with psychrometric calculation to determine vapour pressure differential. This enables accurate and objective performance assessment of the basic ventilation facilities at the property.
To avoid unnecessary costs and additional visits, we will work with you to gain as much information about the property prior to the inspection and provide you with advice to help you get the result that you need.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to help and advise.